Hear from our alumni about their experiences in Freshman Class Council and why you should apply too!
“The people that surrounded me throughout this process slowly but surely became the people that I would grow to love and trust more than anyone I had ever met before.”
-Santiago Kloehr FCC '12-'13
"Through FCC I found not only my best friends, but my new family. Surrounding myself with such amazing people and such a great organization has made me the happiest I've ever been. C4L!"
-Kim Rasey FCC '14-'15
“What FCC has done for me cannot be simply expressed. It is the greatest thing I have ever been a part of, and because of it my life has been changed forever."
-Matt Lubisich FCC '14-'15
"I came to the U of A from the other side of the country not knowing anyone and not knowing how to get involved. Without FCC, I can't imagine what my freshman year would have been like. I met amazing people that I consider my family. Also, I learned how to get involved with ASUA and now am a senator in the student government. Applying to FCC will change your life, and I absolutely recommend it to all incoming freshmen!"
-Kate Rosenstengel FCC '16-'17
"I loved FCC because it gave me a place to call home, and I loved getting involved with student government and seeing how so many aspects of the university are ran. It has opened me up to so many incredible opportunities and I am so grateful to be a cubbie for life!"
- Luis Rosano FCC '15-'16
"Wow. FCC, what a fantastic memory. You have 50 new freshmen all experiencing the cheers and jeers of college and the best thing is you all experience it together."
- Auggie Mustillo FCC '15-'16

"I feel so lucky to have been a part of FCC my freshman year. Now, as a Sophomore, I went to the annual disneyland trip, cubbie thanksgiving, and cubbie dodgball tournament as an alumni and it's been so special to be a part of such an amazing family, even though I am no longer a Freshman. C4L."
-Andrea Gauthier FCC '15-'16
"FCC was a great way to get involved and meet so many amazing people and I made a lot of great memories."
-Nicole Knapp FCC '15-'16

"FCC was such an incredible experience for me! It truly changed my life by bringing me some of my best friends and memories, and giving me people I could look up too. I can't imagine what my freshman year would have been without FCC. C4L!!"
-Chloe LeClaire FCC '16-'17